My main gripes are that the dialog is really cringe, the author spends more time ‘telling’ than ‘showing,’ and for a supposed pro gamer the MC seems pretty clueless. I don’t know about later books but this one is much more a civ sim than an RPG power progression fantasy. Not to say I dislike the civ sim elements exactly but ‘oh I need 40 wood and 20 simple meals’ Oren thought “Hey minion go chop 40 wood and cook 20 simple meals” Oren shouted loudly. Isn’t exactly thrilling storytelling and shouldn’t have been focused on so heavily without other things to break up the monotony of reading that.

I think the author spent more words on the MCs conflicting feelings about getting down with a goblin girl trying to get in his pants than prog fantasy or combat scenes.

Take this review how you will, not everyone will agree but if you’re looking for an exciting trapped in a game power leveling ride as I was this ain’t it.