Matt Dinniman. You wiley, crafty, son of a b*tch, you. I can’t believe you did it. Every time you write something that can’t be topped, you go level it up, and top it again!

This has been the best Dungeon Crawler Carl book yet, and for those of you who haven’t read any DCC – this being the best is truly saying something. Carl’s and Donut’s saga through the dungeon has captured the hearts and minds of readers; catapulting them into a realm of fantasy beyond the norm. This Lit RPG will have you wetting your pants from laughter while hungrily consuming each chapter, like Michael Jackson eating popcorn at the movies. It is literary crack!

Jeff Hayes also adds a phenomenal element to the story with his incredible narration. Jeff does more than read you an epic story. He is no NPC reader. Jeff is the kind of narrator who brings the character to life, making them leap out of the page in a fully immersive experience. His acting gives fantastic writing an equally impressive voice.

Well done to both the author and narrator. I cannot wait to see what happens to Carl and Donut next!