Well, it was flashy and dramatic. Had far too many perspectives. Didn’t give reactions for things we actually cared about. And gave Nora far too much screen time.

I haven’t, and never will read the Nora hazard series. so it’s really annoying when Nora introduces a bad guy all dramatically, and it has absolutely no impact on me at all.

I honestly didn’t care at all about what Bezzy was up to, and was honestly infuriated by how they sidelined Henry.

The only people I care about are Henry and Jason. Almost exclusively because of how creative they are with their powers. Everyone else is practically dead weight. That includes the high priestesses.

It eventually boiled down to an episode of dragon Ball z where everyone stands on the sideline and roots for one of the MC’s to save the day.

Book 4 and 5 should have released as a single book. I feel a bit cheated honestly.