The author clearly has a thing for goblins and power discrepancy in relationships. The first time MC meets his love interest (back in book 1, so if you’ve made it this far it shouldn’t be a spoiler) he describes her as “child like”, and I would say that’s a fairly apt description. It’s a creepy af relationship where he basically grooms her.

I would add that “child like” is also a fairly apt description of the author’s mindset in these books. His characters are cringey cartoon-villain tropes. MC is the most obnoxious. Supposedly he’s highly intelligent, but he acts like an idiot, and is constantly getting angry at everyone around him. It’s so uncomfortable.

What’s more uncomfortable is listening to the eye-rollingly awkward goblin flirting/implied sex scenes 2-3 times per chapter.

It’s not all bad though. A part of me wants to put up with the cringiness to see what happens in the plot. It’s an okay time-killer, but I’d be embarrassed to be overheard listening to it. Even the narrator contributes to the awkwardness with high nasal tone voice acting that’s straight out of a cliche nerd trope from the 90s. Idk it’s definitely not worth spending money on, but if you’ve got credits and nothing else to read, it’s not the worst.