I get it, it’s a dark romance but jeez this girl has a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. Quinn is a pretty sick and twisted guy and Adele is like boiled and unseasoned chicken breast. I think all of the woman are so poorly written. Adele literally has no skills, she’s not a badass, cannot do a thing for herself. I love how the author keeps mentioning that she’s smart when the only sign of her true intelligence is when she said “I thought we were becoming equals” after she was choked out by Quinn. Haha like yes, this guy has been repeatedly assaulting you and the moment he’s a tad bit nice you think you two are becoming equals!?!? Quinn’s sister, scarlet, is 15 years but acts like she’s 10. Ana, a Russian babe who sounds so cool is written to be some horrid creature. Also, love how Quinn called Adele’s mind “slimy” because of the whole bracelet incident and she might use it as blackmail one day……Sir….you’ve been sexually assaulting this woman the entire serious and HER MIND IS SLIMY!? Would’ve been a much better book if we got to see more of Brittany and if Adele was actually cool and kicked some ass, forcing people to respect her.