I really really wanted to enjoy this. I kept trying over and over to get into it but just so many things made me roll my eyes and DNF with 2H40 to go.

The Good: I think Quell’s depression was handled really well.

The Not So Good:

The narration and character of Hale. Just couldn’t get into his chapters at all. The character didn’t really seem to have one personality all the way through, it was a little confusing. Then there was the part in Ch 26 when he pronounced ‘Seever’ wrong and I couldn’t stop laughing after I made sure to rewind a few times.

Anything on-set. As someone who works in TV I should know better by now but I keep trying. So much of the on-set stuff was just not how it happens on a real set. I wish that authors would start reviewing this stuff with people in the business because it takes me totally out of the story when it’s so inaccurate.

The ex-wife character… Rebecca, Rachel? I can’t remember. She was so one-tone and had absolutely zero personality at all. Anything to do with her fell completely flat.

If I had the energy to go back and re-listen to parts I want to double check if Hale and Elle already had the conversation about him crushing on Quell before the one in Chapter 26. Because I really feel like they did when Quell was in LA the first time? Isn’t that why they went to the bar? I dunno, I can’t be bothered to look into it honestly.

I really think this book could be great with some revising and possibly a different narrator for Hale…