As an avid reader, I am often caught up in the action and excitement of a thrilling adventure. If I had to describe it, I would say that this is a more romantic adventure. A young man goes to space by himself and quickly finds more family and a loving home that he didn’t realize he was missing.

The narration is excellent. But it is unusual in the characters are differentiated more by accent and manner of speech rather than by voice. It works and you don’t really notice it unless you stop to think about it.

One notable piece of the book is the use of appropriate slang. The author has created a slang based on the world he built. Many fantasy and sci fi books have phrases based on modern slang that would not exist in the world described. I did not notice that here. The slang around the time system is the most notable, but several phrases pop up if you look for them.

Overall, the book is relaxing and engaging. An excellent change of pace.