This is book two of this series. I enjoyed book one well enough but it had some problems. However, not bad enough to scrap the series without giving another book in the series a chance. Soldier of Fortune was entertaining and I like the characters but it wasn’t good enough that I will continue with this series. Maybe if I could listen to them for free I might endure the immature story and the cringe worthy cheesy junior high school fantasy hero parts but I wouldn’t spend any of my money or credits on this series again.

It’s all just a little too juvenile. Too many parts of the story contradict other parts and it’s all just too A-Team. I love simple Science Fiction for escapism but it has to be at least someone smart. Joshua Dalzelle tries to be smart in these books but I don’t think it’s working.

Paul Heitch does do an excellent job with the narrations and has an excellent range of voices for the characters.