I wish there was as some part of the series that would explain why Arthur is acting his age instead of his real age. As a former king, you’d think Arthur would understand how stupid he is in this book. He feels like he has to do everything because he knows how valuable he is to the war. Then he goes and throws himself into a fight he doesn’t need to and takes himself out of the war. He disregards his bonds opinions and feelings a lot treating Sylvie more like a pet than an equal. The whole bit with him showing his power without accomplishing anything during the meeting with the enemy etc amongst other terrible decisions. I wish these were explained better and it so far just makes our hero seem like a 14 year old kid with a bazooka. There’s a lot of character development I feel like should have happened in this book, but maybe we can get there late. Overall, this book can be listened on 2x and you won’t miss much.