I’m disappointed because I began to care for the characters and the author let me down. Big time. Spoilers…..
I hate fact that the MC is apologizing for no reason at all when that man left her alone after knowing that her dad kicked her out and had no ride no money and nowhere else to go. She had to go to prison and apologize in public to be forgiven. and he blocked her!!! And for what? Because she didn’t tell him abt an arranged marriage? It made no sense and that guy is just not cool. Why the lead girl is apologizing when the lead male messed up? and her gift was to join a bunch of delinquent club on the brink of getting arrested? And how did the cops get their clues of where the group is going to be? and why would the police talk abt it around teens when they suspected teens behind the vandalism in the first place? So many plot holes.