The author had a very good universe to work with here, but he seems to be leaning all stories toward an SJW narrative. Doing such a narrative over and over again has made the stories feel less. Those moments of difference no longer have the same effect as they use to. They now feel empty and without a real impact on the story arc. What’s wrong with a boy liking to do ballet? In the past 7 books, Michelle/Mike has shown no signs of gender dysphoria. So because she wants to do ballet she is a she now? I’m getting tired of this lazy writing from this author. I own all of his books on here, but this has been going on since Mercy for hire. Just do away with all of the shock tactics in your writing and focus on good character development. Don’t just say someone is trans, with no supporting character development, write about their journey to self-discovery. That would be worth reading/listening to.