I’ve always felt the genre of “Sucked into a game” was generally painful to read. There are a few gems like ‘Heroes Die’ that still manage to be compelling, but for the most part the books are pretty bad and even the best become tiresome quickly.
And then you have an author like Matt Dinniman and his Dungeon Crawler Carl books. Wowzers! Holy Crap! A dozen other random expletives. This guy just drives home the fact that the best books are about compelling characters. Though I get the feeling that he could make reading the back of cereal box compelling.
I can not stop listening to these books. I’m going to need to go back and put reviews up for the first two books, because when I finished each of them I was in such a hurry to get the next book I couldn’t pause long enough to review them.
Get the book. Listen to it. Do it now.
You won’t believe how much of a good time it is.
Oh yeah, one last thing, a shout out to the narrator Jeff Hayes: Damn it, Jeff! You just killed it!