This book gets more than 5 stars on the swoon factor alone, then add in all the yummy parts and this easily gets 10 stars. To be honest the ebook had been sitting in my TBR pile for almost a year because I can’t say no to an ARC. When I found out the audiobook was available and the narrator was Stephanie Kay, who I loved from a previous Jennifer Peel book, I had to listen to it. I put aside all the books calling for my attention and started listening to this right away. I listened all day–working on the computer, doing housework, driving around…and into the night. I couldn’t put it down!!

Scarlett is great! The only issue I had with her was she should’ve told her father she wanted to be a forensic pathologist a lot sooner than she did. I understood she wanted to make her father proud but there’s no way I’d have gone to school that long for a job I truly didn’t want. I loved how smart she was, her positive attitude and how she loved food. I loved her relationship with Naomi and when she finally got her dad to talk about her mom…let’s just say if I was a crier I’d have needed some tissues.

Onto Kane. Oh. My. Goodness. You’ve heard of bias wreckers? That’s definitely Kane. If you have a book boyfriend, Kane will definitely wreck that. He’s handsome, smart, smooth, funny, charming beyond belief and SO supportive of Scarlett. The man is perfect! Well, except for those chapters where I wanted to Gibbs slap him upside the head numerous times for doing something stupid. I loved how he helped Scarlett see herself as he and others saw her.

Other things I loved–Scarlett and Kane’s meeting at the wedding reception. I’ll probably think about it every time I eat wedding cake (IYKYK). The scorching chemistry between Scarlett and Kane. Holy smokes!! Scarlett’s names for her stepmothers LOL. That amazing first kiss!! The bookhanger from this one was totally worth it. Another great book from the awesome Jennifer Peel.

I love Stephanie Kay as the narrator. She’s fantastic and I don’t think anyone else could’ve gotten Scarlett the way she did.