While on YouTube, I came across Pam Hupp making a statement to detectives after nearly being kidnapped and killed. It was interesting for sure, especially if you enjoy watching “police interrogations,” but what really struck me was her lack of emotion. I think I can safely say that anyone else who’d just undergone the ordeal would have been somewhat upset-to say the least, yet Pam was cool & collected. Odd. So I began searching for more information. There was a local Missouri reporter that did an award winning two-part overview that can be found on YouTube but I’m a reader and more than that, I want to understand the details. This book was co-written by the defense attorney for Russ Faria, who was wrongly imprisoned for killing his wife, Betsy. With a lot of luck, an extremely poor police department and an unethical prosecuting attorney, Pam got away with murder…for a time. This is the whole story.
It was excellently written and fact based. It was, not unlike Pam herself, extraordinarily unbelievable. You have to listen to believe the case against Russ ever went as far as it did! I feel so badly for Russ that I’m almost moved to write a letter to the poor man. Rarely does a story move me to that degree but it was just so unfair. It’s cases like this that truly terrify me because if Russ could be so blatantly and unfairly put in prison based on one person’s testimony, it can happen to any one.
I look forward to Pam being tried for Betsy’s murder, Russ being fully vindicated and justice at last being served. If for some reason that doesn’t happen, God will deliver His ultimate justice.
The only reason I gave the narrator four stars is because at times, he will start reading so fast and I feel like I might have missed something. Yet slowing it down just a notch was too slow. Other than that, he did an excellent recitation.