Well, let’s just say that if you cut from this book the words ‘s**t’ and’ hell’ it could probably be reduced by 1/3. I know for a fact that americans (or brits) do not use these words with this ratio in their common speech, even when in distress. Therefore it is just a sign of neglect: whenever something unexpected happens your characters just utter “s**t”, (tens of times) it’s easier and you don’t have to imagine something new every time. If this neglet were limited to the choice of words, maybe this book could be quite enjoyable in a easy going way: the problem is that the plot too lacks of any interest, any effort to keep you a little intrigued or charmed by the characters or by what happens is lost. And even the finale shows that no effort is put to give the reader/listeners a satisfying closure. Indeed this book isn’t worth the time you spend listening.