I really wanted to like this book as I have a love of Hawaii and I have chickens, that being said this was very soft moric. One thing that I still can’t get past is the name Saffron as the main character and she wrote it in the third person but we never saw anybody else’s point of view so if she would have written it in the first person we wouldn’t have had to hear Saffron said, Saffron saw, Saffron heard. She was a cleaning Wiz she came into abandoned, hoarders house in Hawaii cleaned a room lived in it, then cleaned out the chicken coops, can you imagine what that abandoned house in Hawaii would be like as far as bugs , rats perhaps even a mongoose or two? I would think the first thing you would want to do is get where you’re going to be staying cleaned out and not worry about the chicken coops and the wild chickens, after a year they’re not going to be domestic chickens anymore. She suspected everybody and anybody over and over again even when it wasn’t logical, I still haven’t figured out why somebody else is stash would be in her uncle’s house and why the love interest were so geeky. She skipped around a whole lot instead of staying on topic or stood around thinking during action scenes or eavesdropping. I see she’s written several books in this series, I will give one more book a try later in the series hoping that she a little bit of help from some editor. I did like that she had the story set in Hawaii, I did like that she included some Hawaiian and Pidgin.