There is legit like, nothing going on in this book other then one Erotic scene after the next.
If I’m in the mood I usually don’t mind as erotica is there to serve a purpose. However, this is just a bit too poorly paced to really get into it. It feels like it’s at a level 10 out of 10 for nearly the entire book. There’s no ups and downs to kinda pace out the Erotic scenes to at least give the illusion of a plot to help with the fantasy.
The plot is purely there to serve as reasoning for the character to leave one Erotic scene and get to a new Erotic scene, for variety I guess, but the scenes really arnt all that different, blend together and don’t add too much. It’s really hard to enjoy Erotic scenes when the characters are like non existent.
For character building, you’re basically given a brief descriptor then an Erotic scene and then suddenly they are besties, lovers or confessing their love for eachother. It’s like… How exactly am I supposed to believe any of that without any of the work to sell the fantasy? One particular scene I just really got annoyed with the laziness. These two characters like meet for the first time, have an Erotic scene, and then the next day they are confessing their undying love to eachother then another Erotic scene, then another, then another, then they confess their love again, then another Erotic scene, etc. Etc. It’s cringey and exhausting and sure the writing is spicy for the scenes but the whole point of a book is to deliver a fantasy. When you’re just delivering scene after scene with no fantasy to support any of those scenes, it feels just like hollow erotic stuff that’s not that interesting to get into.
This book is also very heavy with its non-consensual Erotic scenes, violent Erotic scenes with serious injuries and unwanted contact.
I kinda figured going into this but honestly didn’t really expect the violent scenes, they were gross and didn’t feel like they added much other then a reason to build tension to have a ‘I’m sorry’ Erotic scene to soon follow.
Listening to this on Audible is what made this at least halfway digestible because how amazing Joel Leslie is. Honestly, good for Joel Leslie, narrating a book like this I feel would just be soul sucking having to try and sell all these Erotic scenes one after another, that takes stamina.