This is a sick True Crime . This is just one part of this equation from what I’ve heard of Gacy, and more on this serial killer trafficker, I suggest to check out the podcast “The Candyman and The Clown.”
This book covers from the side of the parents more or less. And later the investigators. Those times of no help in place for kids that went missing is a big part of why this case was so sickening in my opinion. Very frustrating, makes you want to call the police department lazy! But it’s was just the times. Not to mention the sadistic nature and utter lack of human care, whatsoever, regarding The old man who controlled this – recruiting other young men, getting them to recruit also – just to make it easier for himself. REAL FD UP INDIVIDUAL. The money side of it won’t make sense here, You have to relook into this more. Because the guy wasn’t just getting boys for himself, It was to make money – selling or renting boys to others who paid for them, That’s wheee the money came from.
You won’t get a lot of gore with his book though – some yes, & those parts are difficult to hear, but not to the fullest degree. The perspective is mostly through the eyes of the parents, from the outside. Their anguish and heartbreak. Interesting enough to be addicted though. It’s highly unfathomable, And just one small past of a whole. Believe it or not.! pretty frightening to know this trafficking went on in a much bigger way,
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