A lot of times with this genre of book, after the first 2 or 3 get published, the plot of the story can ramble on or take a dive. It happens more often than not. Well, not for Dungeon Crawler Carl and Donut! They seem to push the envelope more with every floor. It’s a none stop, death-defying, diety summoning fiesta with ¿Hoblobbers? Bwahaha, I constantly find myself shocked at the choice or outcomes of things that are taking place. These days I don’t often feel surprised when I’m listening to a new book. But with this series, I’m so interested in listening to the “now” that I don’t even try to predict the future. I feel like I should get paid to do their review because I truly like this series that much. I know I probably sound a bit like I drank the Dinniman Kool-Aide. Honestly, this thing Soundbooth Theater has got going on has me looking for their stuff first. I can’t wait to listen to book 5. Yes, it came out on Audible 2 days ago but I wanted to listen to book 4 again beforehand because this series is that intricate with its jokes, jabs, ideas, and low-key hidden plot lines.

This second part belongs solely to Mr. Jeff Hays. I’ve listened to a few of your works now and this is still my favorite. I’m a HUGE World-Tree Trilogy fan as well but this is still your best. It’s a perfect, grade A, 100% awesome, Nightmare(3) joyride of death and laughs. See what I did there?

Thank you, Matt, Jeff, and all of Soundbooth Theater for creating this for me and so many more to enjoy. I know it helped me during the Pandemic 😊