5+ Stars!

Y’all, I feel like this book should come with warnings. Lots and lots of warnings. Out of the goodness of my heart, I’ll provide you with some of the warnings someone should have given me before I started this book.


1. You may or may not need tissues before you dive into this book.

2. You may or may not want to have a tub of cookie dough waiting for you in your fridge so you can eat your feelings. (True story.)

3. You may or may not need to wrap your kindle in bubble wrap incase you decide you need to throw it across the room.

4. You may or may not be blown away with the emotional rollercoaster you’re about to embark on.

5. You may or may not want to read this book at the same time as one of your bestest book buddies because you are probably going to need some emotional support along the way.

6. You may or may not have the mother of all book hangovers once you finish this book.

This book, right here, has ruined all other books for me for the unforeseeable future. I’m going to need to reread lots and lots of old favorites in order to give any new books a fighting chance of me loving them. Not sorry authors! I’m doing this for your own good! 😂

If you couldn’t already guess, I absolutely LOVE this book! From the moment I picked it up, there was no putting it down! I skipped meals, stayed up way too late reading and pretty much ignored the world around me. No one existed except my new best friends, Scarlett and Kane. Oh how I adored these two!

Scarlett was such an amazing heroine! Y’all, I had real tears, both sad and happy ones, falling down my face for her. It didn’t matter what life threw at her or that it was constantly knocking her down. She got right back up and kept pushing forward. She had every right in the world to be angry and bitter but she always, always took the higher road, even if she didn’t want too. She has got to be the most selfless heroine ever and she makes me want to be a better person.

Kane was such a phenomenal hero! I think we all need a Kane in our lives. From the very beginning, and I mean VERY beginning, he was Team Scarlett. This man loves her fiercely, protects her with every fiber of his being, helps her to not only see herself but love herself, is willing to sacrifice his own happiness to make sure she is as happy as she can possibly be. He is the best of the best. It’s no wonder they are perfect for each other!

And can we PLEASE take a moment to talk about the sizzling chemistry that was flying off the pages from the start?! It was hot, hot, hot! Oh holy Hannah! That first kiss! *dreamy sigh* Talk about a million butterflies and turning into a big ol’ pile of goo. WOWZERS! This book has the BEST kissing scenes!

I am in awe of Ms. Peel’s talent! I swear, it feels like every time I think I’ve found my new favorite book of hers, she turns to her next couple and says: “Hold my Dr. Pepper. I’m about to prove her wrong… again!” I will forever be grateful to one of my best bookish friends for introducing me to her books. I cannot WAIT to see what she has in store for us next!

Stefanie Kay is a fantastic narrator! She’s quickly become a favorite. I love how she brings the characters to life and helps me feel all the feels even more than when reading my favorite books. I’m definitely looking forward to listening to more books narrated by her!