It’s still the same story just has many more jumps and bumps that deviate from the original progression. Much less fight and more politicking make it much more dull. Many of the conflicts felt forced by the author but more importantly the reactions seemed out of character. Also, the whole ‘river’ in his head, aka blood flowing in veins, feels stupidly edgy and very sudden. I’ll take it as just the author’s new way of saying he is getting mad, still feels like a weird change. The Main character has lost some of his intelligence but I suppose maybe the stress is finally getting to him.

I still love the series but the author is skipping to many of the fun parts and railroading the story. The whole story feels less alive and more dull then previous books. Less details and less fights just to ram more progression down my throat. I feel like the story might end in 1-3 more books like the story is slowly fast-forwarding more and more.