I stumbled upon this after listening to Dusty’s diaries from Bobby Adair which was such a refreshing experience – loved every bit of it, so wanted more Bobby afterwards. Oh boy was it a good choice!

If you only ever read/listen to one post apocalyptic zombie book (series) pick this, it’s simply perfect. I just finished listening to it, wiped away my tears, calmed my beating heart and thinking to go back to the beginning and start again.
This book has everything you need in the genre pieced together in a masterful way that you simply can’t put it down. It’s over 50 hours of first person narration and I never felt for a second bored. The story hooks you in from the very beginning and won’t let you go until the very end. The details Bobby goes into are absolutely mind blowing, turning it into a real, breathing story where you forget to question whether it’s real or not because every bit of it feels real. The fact that our heroes sometimes revisit previous locations along the story, meeting again old faces just further makes the whole story more tangible. Really loved how the area, in which our heroes move, constantly shrinks and expands instead of just one linear going from one place to another. Again, brilliant writing.
The characters are very well developed, as they go through challenge after challenge we can see as they adapt to the situations, as they go through their inner struggles , as they make mistakes and pay the price for it. I don’t want to write more to avoid any spoilers but must add: Murphy is the kind of friend we would all need (though probably many of us are Zeds). Damn loveable character.

The narration is spot on, perfect fit. This is the first I listened to Phil Thron but will go and look for more from him. I think as a listener you can feel as Phil gets more and more into the skin of Zed and becomes one with him. After a couple of hours it feels so natural that you don’t even think it’s a narration. – Phil is Zed and Zed is Phil.

This series just rocketed to the top of my all time fav, next to Helldivers and Extinction. An absolute must listen to.