This is such a magnificent book from Lily Morton. It’s one of my top five favorite books ever, and I read A LOT. I have reread the book several times as well. When the Audiobook came out, I immediately purchased it. First because I adore it, and Second because it is narrated by the excellent Joel Leslie, who is my favorite narrator. His performances are always spot on, reading the book exactly as the author wrote it, with true feelings and how you hear it in your head when reading the book. Often even the other narrators with great voices come off as wooden and flat, missing the realistic feel of the story, the flow of authenticity. More like cold sight readings of a book, missing warmth, angst, tenderness, fear at the appropriate moments. Joel Leslie nails every book, every single time. And I’m so happy that Lily Morton has him for all her amazing Audiobooks. She has written several of my very favorite books, and she and Joel bring these stories to life so greatly.

That being said, I do have a big complaint on the Audio for this, and a few other books. Volume consistency. When I mainly listen to Audiobooks is when I turn in at night. Sometimes I read, but other nights I’d rather listen. The problem is the way the volume goes from normal speaking volume, to barely being able to hear, to blasting your eardrums and scaring the crapola out of you! I seriously have to feel around in the dark for my Kindle, feel for the volume button to try to turn the LOUD down ASAP (characters shouting, or sudden danger), before my neighbor in the apartment above me thinks I’m fighting with someone or I’m in danger. Or when its a sad/somber/poignant moment. So low you can barely make out what’s happened or been said. Those times I have to feel for Kindle to sign back on to wake the screen, so I can hit the “back up” button a time or two to be able to hear and understand what was missed while messing with Kindle. And these are usually the most important parts of the story. Sure does detract from fully enjoying the ride. At lease when it’s a story I’m already familiar with I can let it ride and just control the volume button for the LOUD moments. I’ll know the gist of what’s happening. Being able to set the timer for the length of listening time keeps me coming back. But I wish Audibooks or Editors would listen to these inconsistencies and do something about them.

Again, the fabulous Joel Leslie and the truly gifted and magnificent Lily Morton are a dream team. Keep them coming! (Can y’all do Spring Strings next please?) Much love.