The doctrine “God only wants you to feel happy, of if you don’t then you’re under Satin’s influence” is a destructive idea. All my life church leaders have told my to pray my way out of shame, sadness, and anxiety. These feels were not of God, who only wants us to be happy. I wanted to feel good, believe me, but when I couldn’t these Christian beliefs only created more shame. I felt like I was letting God down because I could not feel the joy God wanted, and instead I was pulled into Satin’s lies. B.S.- God does not want us to feel shame for feeling shame. Shame is a normal part of life and the only way to over come it is through self compassion and love. When I feel love for myself, and my shame, I can feel God’s love for me as well. Shame does not come from Satin, it comes from being in a body separate from God. Love yourself, including your shame and allow God’s love in.