The concept is interesting. The approach taken by Ned is a great idea if someone has the resources to do it. It should be an interesting book. Certainly, the narration is good, with the primary voices easily distinguishable.

But the story is incredibly slow. The 72 hour head start period feels like you have to experience every minute in real time. And every second of that time is with an axe that is literally purpose-built to be as annoying as possible.

The actual game system seems like a great idea. The renown concept and the ripple engine are truly great ideas. But everything about the gameplay is so horribly slow. It takes Ned 24 hours of gameplay to reach level 5 and leave the starter zone. No side quests. No exploration. Just going exactly where he needs to go. And that is also about 8 hours of narration. All the while, he is listening to an axe that is trying to annoy Ned and, by proxy, you.

I kept waiting for the book to get interesting. Instead, a second annoying character gets introduced. At least the second one is unintentional in their annoying traits.

It all just became too much for me to take. I tried. I made it through 11 hours. But I am returning this one. I can only imagine that Ned is wishing that he could too.