This was the first book that I’ve listened to by author A. R. Shaw and despite the fact of Kevin Pierce being the narrator and that being the biggest reason for me to have even listened to the sample of this book as Kevin Pierce is my most favorite narrator of books , I must say that I am extremely pleased with the writing of this book but A. R. Shaw.
The fact that this story was about surviving a maunder minimum event in which I first thought was just a science fiction concept however thanks to the authors notes about the maunder minimum being a real thing caused me to research the event only to find out that it is most definitely was a real event that happened over a 28-year period between (1672–1699)  , and has a real possibility of happening again in the future in which some day that it could start as soon as 2030. I can’t say wether that’s factual or not but I do believe that history has a way of repeating itself.
Do I necessarily believe that it will be anything in comparison to the story in this book, well no not by a long shot but of course I’m no scientist either so who really knows. All I do know is that I place my faith in God and the precious son of God that shed his blood to pray the price for my sins and that who so ever shall believe in him shall have ever lasting life in heaven with our creator and that’s all I really have to know, for everything else I will place in his hands and then rely on his grace to see me through what ever comes our way or until he calls me home to be with him for eternity!
Hopefully this review helps you as I totally encourage anyone and everyone to to listen to this book as it will keep you anxiously waiting and eagerly listening to see what happens next.
Another incredibly awesome job by Kevin Pierce as he brings this book to life in so many ways!!!