Dont let the goofy cover fool you this is a ‘grimdark lite’ LitRpG set in modern times with superheroes, villains, slaves and harems.

The story isn’t too complex, it’s interesting and doesn’t drag on, character arcs have payoff and the story while somewhat predictable still manages to keep you on your toes so it’s worth all 11 hours.

and while slightly jarring at first the voiceover (VA) is charming and adds wonderful amounts depth to characters.

my only complaint is that during the ‘breakdown’ segments where the protagonist goes through the stats of objects or characters, some of them were unnecessarily longwinded and probably should of been summarized especially when the the protagonist mentions he is looking for a specific stat. a little nitpicky but not much I didn’t like about this book.

I will provably end up listening to this again very soon 9.5/10 for LitRpG fans