I found this to be a really good book that honestly holds very real possibilities of happening in the end times as the word of God has warned us of things to come. The world is continually changing into a dark and sinister place where evil is having its fill.
Like the characters in this book many people in our world today have their heads buried in the sand and fail to see the larger picture from the events that have been and are still currently unfolding around us constantly. If people would only read the Word of God (King James Bible) and take the time to really look around them and see how relevant the signs of the time are that we are currently living in with man made pandemics causing world wide lock downs , import and export shortages and a idoit for a president who’s soul purpose is to carryout the global elites evil plans that must happen for God’s word to be fulfilled. Regardless of your status in this current world we live in the only truth that you can rely on is the truth of God’s word and the salvation that only christ Jesus can give and if you don’t truly know Jesus, then you should stop and take this very valuable time to get to know him and repent for your sins and place your faith in him and begin to prepare for these very types of scenarios as we are entering into the end times as God’s word forewarned us would come to pass. Things mash not happen exactly how they play out in this book but they will surely be very similar scenarios I assure you mainly because God’s word tells us so!
Thanks to the author of this book for a very real look at things that are very possible and are even more likely to happen in this world we live in . I also thank you for incorporating into your book the faith of Christians and the one true God. I would have like to have seen it maybe gone more in depth about a person’s salvation and how they could receive salvation through Christ Jesus , nevertheless I’m appreciative that you chose to show a christen faith in this story.
I have to say that one of my favorite authors is Mark Goodwin and that is because he has scriptures at the beginning of almost every chapter that gives an idea from the word of God that will apply to what the characters will go through in that chapter and how God reassures us that he will be with us through those times and will often times make a way through those events or times that we often can’t or are unable to see for ourselves because we tend to focus on the situation at hand rather than focusing on God for the solution to help us through it.

Thanks again for a really well written story and book. Choosing Kevin Pierce as your narrator was most definitely the best move you made as he is my most favorite narrator and about the only narrator of books that I’m willing to listen too.
I’ve tried a few other narrator’s and been very disappointed in their inability to tell the book’s story in the way that brings it alive the way Kevin Pierce does. Kevin Pierce has left some very huge shoes to fill for all other narrator’s. I’ll be surprised if I ever find another narrator to do for a book in the way that Kevin Pierce is able to do. He is truly blessed with a God given talent for narrating books!
Sincerely W.R.Freeman