First off i love this book. If you have any interest in super powered characters you MUST read/listen to this.

The Good:
The main characters are well developed as are many of the secondary and third tier characters. The writing style flows naturally and has many surprising plot twists. I mostly love how it shows that the super heroes and villains both aren’t as simple as black and white. There are no Superman inflexible morals here. I want to say more but i can’t without giving away the story.

The Bad:
After the last big fight the author took like 5 min to wrap up the story, just glazing over the aftermath which would have been very fun to hear. The story as a whole is wrapped up well but there are a hand full of things hinted at throughout the book that are never explained at the end. Which is of course frustrating. Lastly the main character’s power means the story can’t continue much further. The more his power grows the faster the rate of growth. Quickly there would be nothing that’s a challenge any more, so don’t expect a series of these books.