When I first started listening to audiobooks many years ago I always tried to find books over 20 hours in length. I felt I was getting more for my money, better character development, etc. But I eventually migrated to the 10-12 hour range of book as that seemed the standard and there are lots of good stories at those lengths.

I would still listen to an occasional longer book, still enjoy them but before you purchase one you do think about the length are are you really ready for a longer book? The written reviews of this book were mixed even thought the overall rating was high, 4.6 as I type this. Many brought up the length, said the beginning was slow, you know, the normal stuff.

For me, I enjoyed the book from start to finish and the length never once bothered me. Most of the author’s books are Navy tales from the Pacific in World War II but this one is different. It is post WWII with the location off the NE coast of Florida around the Jacksonville area. That setting and the timeframe were both really interesting since I’d never really thought about how the Navy would operate off the US coast during peace time.

I’m not a boat or Navy expert by any means. My dad was in the Navy in WWII and I did a tour in the army so the lingo and all of it are new to me and every book by the author I learn something new, I find them really interesting.

The summary tells you enough about the book, hopefully, this helps puts some perspective on it. Enjoy!!