The story takes from Sanderson’s Reckoners (superheros in todays world), mixes it with D. Rus’s Play to Live (newbie power level to world changer), and dashes in your standard nemesis group.
The story kept me interested throughout. Taking you through all the stages you would expect while building a corporation / stronghold and allowing you to like the characters. As I said in my title, a pleasant read, not complicated or too involved. Narrator was very talented.
Only downside was when they read out characters stats. I’m sure in a book it could be glanced over, but the narrator had to read them all and that got old. Also, would have preferred a more defined nemesis instead of an unknown group that happened to have unlimited resources and an incredible network to be able to be where they needed to be, all the time, with a well defined plan.
But it was a pleasant read and I’d read another one of the author’s books.