It’s possible the 2nd half of the book picks up, but I can’t listen anymore. Old crotchety “get off my lawn!” wizard retires from adventuring to live in a wizard tower he builds away from government and people. This is the story of his retirement, from landscaping, to enslaving bandits to do the heavy lifting, to teaching two uninteresting pupils, and on and on, but you don’t actually care about any of them. At hour 7, there are no stakes…no suspense…no backstory…no reason to care at all. If somebody comes to disturb his retirement, then what? He’s lived for 200+ years and he forgets to turn off runes or defensive arrays that nuke people’s heads entering/leaving the property? Oops. Should probably fix that. The book eludes to a dungeon breaking and having to defend his Florida retirement tower… So what? Why, after halfway through the story, should anybody care about this? It’s probably the most boring LitRPG I have in a vast library of audiobooks and I’m SUPER forgiving, especially in this genre, but the all-stars at Soundbooth Theater couldn’t make this story interesting. Absolute snooze fest. Needless to say I don’t recommend this to anybody.