This story can barely be classified as a LitRPG. Yes, there are levels, but everything about the system of the world is kept so vague. I’m literally 1 hour 34 min from completing this rubbish and I still have no idea what the MC’s Character sheet even looks like. Let alone skill levels or stats. I assume this is to keep the constant BS of super convenient spells, items, and skills the MC has accrued throughout his lifetime available for when the Author writes himself into a corner and can’t be bothered to think of a clever out for the MC, revise the previous chapters, or rethink the plot.

This isn’t the start of a story in anyway, shape, or form, The MC is already one of the most powerful spellcasters in all the land! He defeats small armies with ridiculous ease.

-One time he was literally lazing about on a chair above the battlefield casually eating his breakfast.

-Earlier in the story he gets ambushed by a monster and it dies immediately because the author suddenly decided to inform the reader that there were “Powerful Protections” MC had placed on his robes.

-These Beast waves that supposedly have the potential to destroy entire Baronies if not taken care of immediately are destroyed with 2-4 casual spell casts.

-Every single “Challenge” MC faces is immediately resolved with little to no effort.

-Every Political Opponent MC faces is Horrifically incompetent.

-And Every person that comes into contact with this petty, arrogant, vain, Gary Stew Protagonist thinks he’s just the best thing ever. Unless they are villains in which case they die or learn they are wrong for thinking poorly of this painfully dull MC.


-Too vague of a game system to be a competent LitRPG

-MC Gary Stew is the most powerful because of plot