I put off getting this book for the longest time because it looked a bit silly and I’m not into sound booth theater effects.
It was totally worth getting! The effects are minimal, Jeff Hays is an absolutely AMAZING narrator and the story was engaging, hilarious, action packed and I’m just in love with Carl.
As the MC, He’s thoughtful and inventive- if they showed his wisdom score, I’m positive that it’d be quite impressive! He’s a quick thinker and though he sometimes gets angry, it’s always for a good reason. Carl doesn’t take shit and he’s not perfect, but he owns that. He’s a good person, even in the shittiest situation in the galaxy. Seriously, I love this man as much as the AI loves his feet.
Interaction between characters is flawlessly done. The characters are super well done and multi dimensional, with story lines are well explained or eluded to enough to fill readers in to connect to them personally.
Totally getting hooked on this series! On to the next!