I really liked ‘Super Sales on Super Heros’, so thought I’d try this one. Unfortunately, it’s just not very engaging.
No doubt, part of that is that I’m not a gamer, but there are any number of video game/ VR books I love, so I don’t think that was really the issue. It just felt like watching someone else play a video game, and that’s boring.
Also, I found it annoying that the main character here & also in ‘Super Sales…’ are both practically the same dude.
He collects women, though has self consciously high regard for their sexual freedom, while simultaneously fetishizing them. Way laid back, never scheming, ready to differ to his women. Constantly shunning a leadership role, or even respect, while simultaneously literally owning all the women.
The ladies are all similar too: smarter & better fighters than the protagonist, hugely dismissive of him & simultaneously adoring. Oh, and of course they must protect him because if he dies that’s the end for them too.
With all the same character personalities & themes in both books (series), it makes me wonder about the author himself more than I like to.
Performance, on the other hand, was just fine. I actually liked how they used slightly different speaker effects to indicate narrative thought around the game vs activity in the VR itself.