I did 2 listens to this, one after the other, because I wanted to be sure about my rating and the thoughts I had in my 1st listen.

Story: 5 stars!

Narration: 3.5 stars

Overall: 4.25 stars

This is one of my favorite Lily Morton stories! I adore both snarky, secretly vulnerable Felix and hot mess Max. I loved the before story that delivers quite the punch to the heart, one of the most painful moments I’ve ever read and the after that is the best second chance I have ever read!

So I was greatly anticipating the audio release especially since Joel is one of the best narrators in the genre. Imagine my surprise then when I found myself thinking at one point “this feels like more reading out loud than narrating”.

*screeching halt* WHAT?! I couldn’t believe what passed through my mind at that moment! That’s why I resolved to listen to it again, paying more attention. And you know what? I didn’t exactly thought the same but I found Joel’s performance when it was from Felix’s POV to lack enthusiasm and feeling for much of the story. Unlike when he was narrating Max’s POV in which I was just captivated.

So yeah here I am with a story that I love and a narration that to me was lacking (much like my experience with Rule Breaker).