So first off this novel should contain trigger warnings for extreme violence, rape, and death.

This novel is not at all what it pretends to be. Based on the title, cover, description, and similarly advertised books you would think this is a cute adolescent romance about friends to lovers. It is not. It is a psychological thriller about a gay youth being in a dangerous cat and mouse game with a psychopath while also happens to be developing a lifelong friendship. There is nothing really romantic about this at all.

It’s not that this novel is poorly written that has me saying its a bad story its that of both of the genres it pretends to be- romance and psychological thriller neither is really well developed or satisfying. This book gave me anxiety without any real emotional payoff for the characters. Honestly the epilogue which should be our satisfying glimpse into their futures to make the whole journey worthwhile for the reader was the worst part. It should not have even been included. It leaves you with what seems like a more unlikely scenario and the way its written seems awkward and clumsy. Its an attempt at the author to not reveal everything at once and to keep you in anticipation but it absolutely doesn’t and just seems strange.