Another entry in the “We were doomed, but then we found this warship with an AI” genre, except in this case it is a pacifist warship. A pacifist warship? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

I suppose the author was looking for something to set this book apart from all of the other books in this sub-category of sci-fi space operas, but it feels as though he forgot to look at the definition of “pacifist” in the dictionary, so we have an AI that claims it will not fight, but is perfectly willing to not only equip others to do the work, but also to help them by whatever means are necessary, including launching missiles. Oh well. I suppose not every AI in every book can have the character or idiosyncrasies of Skippy The Magnificent.

The story itself is OK once you get past the basic inconsistency here. It is pretty standard stuff, without anything to really set it apart and nothing that would make me want to buy the next book in the series. There is little character development and even less to make me want to read more about them, but the story is OK and the narration is pretty good.