If you enjoyed the first book you will probably like this one too. It’s not as good, but it’s still a good book.

The narration is great, Phil Thron did a really good job! 10/10

This book focuses a lot more on Zach’s pov, and it’s not always for the better. The pacing isn’t very good in his chapters and i found myself looking at the chapter list to see when the next Ryun chapter would come up. That being said Zach’s chapters get a lot better about halfway through the story.

The Ryun chapters are great, and just as good, if not better than the last book. I just wished there would have been more of them.

There are a few reviews complaining about the way gender is used in the story, and to be honest they just need to grow up. A gender neutral character is introduced, and a character is gay. It doesn’t really impact the story at all, but it is nice to have established that lgbt people exist in the Infinite Realm.

There is one instance where the author uses gender in a really good way, I won’t spoil any of the details, but the execution is really good