This story picks up right where the last ended and oh what a good story!

Book 2 of Elemental Fae Academy is one hot and steamy morsel of goodness. This RH story continues with Exos, Claire’s bonded Spirit Fae missing and his brother Cyrus, King of the Spirit Fae comes into play. Cyrus is a complete jackass, rude to no avail and Claire loathes him. She has to put her feelings aside to try to rescue Exos before it’s too late and her bond with him is broken forever.

In this process, her life is threatened and a bond is forced with the unexpected Fae in order to try and save her life. As these bonds click in to place, she is willing and accepting of these bonds and her true Fae heritage. That doesn’t mean that bonded Fae are happy about it though. Will they find Exos in time?

I can’t wait to find out where this tale will lead us to next as Claire learns more of what her true calling in this realm will be. These two authors are wonderful and their world building is fantastic! Bring on book 3, the final piece to this delicious trilogy.