The Tales of the Solar Clipper series is on my permanent list of favorite sci-fi books and audiobooks for several reasons.
Ishmael’s story stands out as different from the most commonly well-known works in the genre. It truly is a “tale”, a story of a person’s journey and personal development with a sea-faring flavor that has evolved into space. The context of space-faring merchant marines shapes his development in a series of personal interactions with other human shipmates, a “strange new” WAY of life rather than strange new forms of life. Like great literature, Lowell depicts the oldest story — an aspect of the human condition — in a new way.
Lowell clearly grows as an author from Quarter Share through Owner’s Share, and this is something to treasure, too. It adds credibility to Ishmael’s voice and makes a character the reader can empathize with.
Personally, I’ve also found concepts to chew over and words to keep in this series. There are realizations that stand the test of time, and can help a person navigate one’s own personal course.
I highly recommend this, as well as the next three books in Ishmael’s story. When you’ve read those as well, join me in pleading with Lowell for more!