I am I suppose a hard critic. I feel that a five star review means that its superior to all other books in said genre. Shadow Sun Survival is good… I was able to finish it… but it’s not up there with other fantasies like Name of the Wind or Game of Thrones. Its not even on par with other Lit-rpg authors like kong or pirateaba.
Where this book fell flat for me was when Willmarth left the character development behind to focus more on battles. At first this book did a pretty decent job of building up relationships between people, but after about 1/2 way through its fights and boosting stats. Also, I can’t imagine that our world would devolve to the point where over 1/2 of those left around are evil enough to deserve getting their heads shot off by other humans.
eh… the book is okay. Everything comes too easily to the protagonist and by the 1/2 way point the universe was feeling pretty empty.