While I found some amusement occasionally in the dialogue, I got tired of the broad humor. I don’t know why authors think it’s funny to throw in a crass, sex crazed grandma… it’s tiresome and wasn’t funny to me in the first 20 times I read it in a book. Add to that the stereotype white trashy inlaws and a cartoonish boring fiancee , and I am done expecting depth or feeling from this book. Finally, the H who woos her comes off as smarmy to me. He constantly tries to seduce her, also trying to entice her to buy a overpriced wedding dress she can’t afford while telling her he’s not interested himself in a relationship. So, that leaves only one thing he’s interested in if she’s engaged to someone else and he doesn’t want her , and it just comes across as creepy. I am already tired of her inner thoughts ….I’m engaged but why do I keep thinking of blah blah blah…. I am out at chapter 12.