It’s a slow burn & the MC is too cool for school sometimes about some game tropes but besides thoughs moments it’s pretty good. MC has some past trama and when he has to deal with it it’s ok to kinda plz shut up. Maybe that’s too hard but I usually felt the book was kinda a slough at those moments; Besides the final fight & when it’s revealed who a family members of his is in game. Once this book got going it was great. MC’s party members also get some backstory & growth which is nice. Especially when you find out how supporting character Nick was seen by the party in the beginning though that’s explained in the epilogue. The epilogue also let’s you see alot of decisions pay off making them worth the wait.

Finally I’d say my favorite part was the first Boss’s quest chain. It was the coolest to me bringing MC some closure; and gave me a Blood Borne feel.