look, I am a huge Litrpg listener, I search far and wide for books to listen too, and I know I enjoy alot of them that are objectively bad simply because I am a huge shill for the genre.

this book though was just not good. the performance is from my favorite studio and narrative team so they will always get a A++ in my book.

however the story itself had a alot to be desired. firstly the premise was just not great. the reason the character is doing what he’s doing seemed hallow. the characters did not feel good and I understand that part of the point of most of them was to feel like they are NPCs but it just was not done in a way that I could get into.

the love interest in most LITRPGs has three categories Harem teen hormone fantasy, rushed and poorly structured, and the rarest bird of them all a actually well developed part of the story. this one was the Rushed and poorly structured approach. I mostly prefer there not be love interests in my LITRPGs at all unless they are really well done and won’t even listen to a harem book.

the combat, abilitys, and system that is so inherent with the series was just not fun to listen too. it felt more grindy and tedious then anything else and from the very first time it is explained you can just sense that it would reach points of being glossed over and yet it did not happen fast enough and when it did it felt really unfortunate because then there was nothing else to even bother with.

my recommendation is to pass on this one even though soundbooth audio is fantastic.