I seized this audiobook when it first released. Cheri Champagne and Joel Froomkin? OMG, sign me up! I wasn’t disappointed. The story felt original – a young woman who is bored with her life as a crofter’s daughter, who wants to tread the boards in the theatres of London. The dream feels out of reach and so she toils away doing little shows at a local pub until she has a terrifying incident. Her rescuer, by providence, is able to offer her a chance for her dreams to come true. All she has to do is be a spy AND an actress. She accepts.

Gabriel has always been looked down on because he’s half Scot and half English. His accent is often Scottish and he’s considered less than because of it. By the time his parents die, he’s no longer welcome in the seat of the family and he has to make his own way in the world. The offer to join the spy service comes at the perfect time.

Napoleonic spies are everywhere and it’s up to Gabe and Mary to ferret them out. When they team up together, however, things get interesting. Mary believes Gabe has many lovers, which isn’t true. Gabe believes Mary has been using her body to deceive marks. That isn’t true either. As their time together increases, feelings bubble to the surface and eventually things explode.

The story flowed and I enjoyed every minute of it, but I especially loved Mr. Froomkin’s work. His Scots and British are always spot on and he did a wonderful job. I can highly recommend this audiobook.