If this book was written for younger children which is surprising since there’s a lot of touchy-feely intimate scenes in it which took more time than the story actually does. Not to mention the main character describes what she does when she touches him
And it sounds I don’t know like it’s been recited
Also the main character has parts where she lifts her chin straightens her back like she’s trying to act more grown-up but then she’s kind of whiny maybe this was meant for a younger group I don’t know of course there is more than one book to the series so it must’ve appealed to someone Then of course she does have different ways of describing his chest for as many times as she mentions it they had a good story line and if they focused a little more on the story instead of a little girl’s description of somebody’s chest and her feelings it would’ve made a good story You could always fast forward to pass those parts before you forget what they were talking about in the first place
We’ll see what happens in the next one i’m not sure I’ll be able to get through it I struggled trying to get through this one it is a good book if you want a nap and not worry about missing anything- I’ll give next one a try since I really dislike not finishing a series
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