Only the romance genre could make gargoyles sensual beings that a girl could crave. Shoot, as a child I remember having nightmares about them. But then, those were a slightly different version than the lovely beings featured in this dynamic series. I was sucked into their supernatural world early on and found this epic tale fascinating and a bit frightening at times, truth be told.
All things definitely are not what they seem, and it’s been hard to know who to trust. Even the great lovers Asher and Eve have their well-earned trust issues. Deceit seems to run rampant. When it’s not open deceit, it’s simple omission and secrets for other’s “safety.” Yeah, whatever. It seems like no one’s ever heard the phrase, “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
The cousin to all this deceit is angst, and it’s in good supply as well. Geez, this is an epic tragedy at times. It seems like the YA genre loves angst more than the average genre does, though, so that’s not really a big surprise. But, out of the darkness comes the light, and so it does. Asher, Eve, and the rest of the clan have nothing if they don’t have hope. They are strong, courageous, and fortified by their conviction to their truths. They know who they are and what they stand for, and they stand together as one to fight.
Awesome closing for this series.