Never have I read a book that felt like it was written specifically for me. This book was wonderful from start to finish. It pulled on my heartstrings in every direction. It was difficult at times, because I relate so much to Libby and I have never read anything about people like us. The struggles she went through, and how brave she is to face the world without backing down. Allowing herself to take up space. Not letting people tell her her worth.

And Jack. I learned so much reading from his point of view. About face blindness, and the challenges he faces on a daily basis. About the carefully constructed walls he put up to protect and hide hid true self. That it’s a lot more common than I ever knew.

Their story is breathtaking. Honest, trusting, flawed at times but ultimately good. Life is not always a dance on roses, but if you open yourself up to other people, and daring to put your trust in them, it can be just as beautiful.

All in all, I needed this book. And I hope I can come by others like it.