This is part of my Audible Romance package and piqued my interest, so I gave it a shot.   First off why it is rated on the steam level of  Hot Damn is beyond me.  It’s between sweet and simmering.  Now mind you I generally read adult books and yes erotica too.  So this book is beyond tame.  Now for a teen, I guess it could be oh Hot Damn.  It would depend on your point of view.

The story is centered around Shay and her weird family who are basically feared from the entire town.  I honestly thought when I read it.  Please don’t be vampires, please don’t be vampires.   I was so pleased when that wound up not being the cause of the supernatural powers.  RELIEVED.  

The story started well but honestly, fell apart for me once Shay and Kellan took off on their road trip.  I listened to this on audiobook, and It almost seemed like the narrator was bored with it too.  

I do think this is suited to ages 16 to early ’20s.  I think that age group will get more enjoyment out of this than an adult will.  Especially if said adult likes books with more mature content.